提交Google Sitemap ,即提交XML网站地图 提示:GOOGLE提供了非常方便站点地图建立软件:Site Map Builder下载网址: http://www.sitemapbuilder.net/ :Site Map Builder helps you generate Google SiteMap XML which you can place into your root directory for Google to index your web site. The sitemap XML follows a certain syntax that Site Map Builder will generate for you. Just copy and save the resulting code as sitemap.xml.gz and upload into your root, then register your sitemap at http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/.
How to create the Google Sitemap XML for your Site?: Visit one of the following sites below; they have great information on how to create a sitemap and advertising tips and tricks for higher rankings and search engine optimization!
It is a rough indication of how we view your site pages. Note that this score is only relevent to your site and does not track well in our index. 翻译:这个页面分数只是一个代表我们如何看待您的网站的粗略指数。并请注意,这个指数只和您的网站相关,并且没有在我们的索引中进行跟踪。
Provides a measurement of how authoritative Bing views your webpage to be, with five green boxes being the highest rating and five empty boxes being the lowest. This is based on many of the same factors Bing uses to determine static rank, but isn't directly comparable. 翻译:提供了必应(Bing)用来衡量您网页权威性的一种测量方法,5个绿色格子代表最高的分数,5个空格子代表最低的分数。这个分数是基于很多必应(Bing)用来衡量页面静态排名的因素,不过这并没有直接的可比性。